Remifentanil  after  Piritramid  Reduces  Costs  
and Improves  Analgesic  Quality  at  the  End  of  Operation

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After the use of remifentanil, patients consistently complain of serious pain shortly after the operation. In the current study, an analgesic dose of a mu-agonistic opioid was given at the beginning of anaesthesia. Only nitrous oxide and cisatracurium were added for anaesthesia purposes after induction. This regimen enabled a later use of remifentanil, a reduced rate during the operation as compared to other publications, earlier recovery from muscular relaxation and little painful problems after emergency of anaesthesia. In a study on 24 patients, 15 mg piritramid was given with the induction of anaesthesia. Average intraoperative administrations of 0.14 µg/kg/min remifentanil were found, as compared to maintainance doses of 0.2-1.0 µg/kg/min usually reported in the literature. Rather than letting a new drug fall into disuse due to an erroneous recommendation, it is recommended to supply with an additional but long-acting opioid at the beginning of operation, which will reduce the costs of remifentanil infusion and simultaneously largely solve the problem with postoperative pain

Duration and dosage Mean  ± SD Minimum Maximum Unit
Anaesthesia induction
to remifentanil start
20.1 ± 7.6 8 40 min
Remifentanil start to
 begin of operation
3.7 ± 2.9 -2 28 min
End of remifentanil
 until end of operation
3.7 ± 2.9 0 13 min
End of remifentanil
 until extubation
9.5 ± 3.8  1 18 min
Minimal dosage  0.097 ± 0.042 0.000  0.150 µg/kg/min
 MMD*  0.143 ± 0.041 0.092  0.242  µg/kg/min
Maximal (terminal) dosage 0.185 ± 0.055  0.100  0.300  µg/kg/min
Table 1: Results of the study. * MMD: Mean Maintainance-Dosage.

MMD Ref. Simultaneous anaesthetics used
0.025-2.0 7 N2O, (isoflurane)
0.49 8 N2O
1.00 9 N2O
0.25 10 propofol 0.1 mg/kg/min or isoflurane 0.6%
0.50 11 N2O, propofol
0.20 12 N2O, (isoflurane)
0.25-4.00 13 propofol 0,075 mg/kg/min
0.25-0.50 14 isoflurane 0.5%
0.14 currrent 
N2O, piritramid

Table 2: Mean Maintainance-Dosage (MMD) of remifentanil in µg/kg/min utilized for operations in previous publications (all without previous opioid administration, ref. obtainable upon request) and current study for comparison.

The current study has not been published

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