Adjuvant Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis


Motivation: This survey is the result of a large study upon related subjects to adjuvant therapy for multiple sclerosis (MS). It exposes no miracle cures and the word "adjuvant" should be noted, implying the need for other therapy (e.g., high dose interferon-beta) as the primary, more important treatment. In the following pages, various items are exposed for your survey. The main motivation for publishing this review in the Internet is to save you from spending the time I utilized myself: why should other people start from the beginning again?

Language: It is the English I write without any editing. For the purpose of being understood, I hope my writing suffices. The level should be academically and it should not be considered popular literature. Besides, literature abstracts can speak for themselves.

Content: (actual/planned/possible)

Last revision:


July 28, 2007

Working Hypothesis

Sept 11, 2001

Comprehensive terminology and abbreviations (currently missing)
The Jungle Model, "good" and "bad" cells & humoral factors (currently missing)

Factors primarily acting against destruction of the blood brain barrier:

Glucocorticoids (uncertain, currently missing)


Mar 31, 2004


Nov. 21, 2000

Environmental factors

June 10, 2004

Minocycline and other old drugs revisited

Sept. 17, 2004


Factors directed against oxidant destruction:

Amino acids, vitamins and trace elements

Jan. 25, 2002

Unspecific immune manipulation

Intravenous immuneglobulins (uncertain, currently missing)

Glatimer racemate (Copaxone, Copolymer-1)

Jan. 25, 2002

Oral tolerance (uncertain, currently missing)

Other approaches

Mercury Clearance and d-Penicillamin

Jan. 6, 2009

Transforming growth factor beta

Apr. 4, 2001

Infections and MS

May 21, 2004

Smoking and MS

Apr. 16, 2001

Stem cells

July 29, 2011


Nov. 7, 2001


May 1, 2004


Mar. 30, 2005

Aug. 19, 2005
June 22, 2011
July 24, 2008
Fumaric Acid
Jan. 23, 2012

Remyelinization (currently missing, incuding the realistic clinical approach)

Studying the matter

Studies on MS

June 10, 2004

MS-Science 2004:
Nihilism and nonethical studies prevail

Feb. 29, 2004

A future MS-register? (natural history of MS)

Nov. 21, 2000

Placebo-mania in MS-studies

May 2, 2001

Are  anaesthetists  at  particular risk  of  developing  MS?

Feb. 16, 2002

Links to other MS-sources (currently missing)


MS-Therapy - a holoistic approach

Oct. 4, 2001

MS-Therapy - an alternative approach

Nov. 17, 2002

Last revision July 28, 2007